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Http 405 Method Not Allowed

405 Http Code

HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed


The HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed status code indicates that the server knows the request method, but the target resource doesn't support this method. For example, you use POST to send data to update a resource that only supports GET requests.


The most common cause of a 405 error is that the client is using an incorrect HTTP method for the requested resource. For example, a client might try to POST data to a resource that only supports GET requests.

Another possible cause of a 405 error is that the server is misconfigured. For example, the server might be configured to only allow GET requests to a particular resource, but the client is trying to use a different method, such as POST.


If you encounter a 405 error, the best course of action is to check the documentation for the target resource to see what methods are supported. If you are using the correct method, then you should contact the server administrator to report the error.

For clients

  • Check the documentation for the target resource to see what methods are supported.
  • If you are using the correct method, then contact the server administrator to report the error.

For server administrators

  • Check the server configuration to make sure that the target resource is configured to allow the correct methods.
  • If the server is configured correctly, then contact the client to help them troubleshoot the issue.


The HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed status code is a common error that can be caused by a variety of factors. By understanding the causes and solutions for this error, you can quickly resolve the issue and get your website back up and running.
